Search Simplified

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Everyone needs a haircut. Men, women, kids. There comes a time once a month or two where everyone needs a barber to cut their hair. It’s easy to find one too. Almost every neighbourhood today has one. It could be a small salon, it could be a part of a big franchise. Needless to say, they’re not hard to find. But is it easy to find a good one?

Imagine a scenario. You move to a new neighbourhood, a friend lives there too. Some time passes, and you need a haircut. You call your friend who lives close by. He tells you about this place which he goes regularly for his trim. He tells you good things about them. They’re not too expensive. They get the job done. You decide to visit the salon. And it turns out to be a disaster. When another friend moves into the neighbourhood, you know which salon to avoid recommending.

Word of mouth is an age-old method to attract business. It has existed before the first computer, before the first telephone. And to date, it continues to exist.

Search engine optimization is no different. The only difference is that instead of asking a friend, you ask a search engine, like Google, or Yahoo.

This article will take you through the benefits of search engine optimization, and why every business needs it. Salons included.

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Everyone needs a haircut. Men, women, kids. There comes a time once a month or two where everyone needs a barber to cut their hair. It’s easy to find one too. Almost every neighbourhood today has one. It could be a small salon, it could be a part of a big franchise. Needless to say, they’re not hard to find. But is it easy to find a good one?


Imagine a scenario. You move to a new neighbourhood, a friend lives there too. Some time passes, and you need a haircut. You call your friend who lives close by. He tells you about this place which he goes regularly for his trim. He tells you good things about them. They’re not too expensive. They get the job done. You decide to visit the salon. And it turns out to be a disaster. When another friend moves into the neighbourhood, you know which salon to avoid recommending.


Word of mouth is an age-old method to attract business. It has existed before the first computer, before the first telephone. And to date, it continues to exist.

Search engine optimization is no different. The only difference is that instead of asking a friend, you ask a search engine, like Google, or Yahoo.


This article will take you through the benefits of search engine optimization, and why every business needs it. Salons included.

SEO adds credibility

‘If you read it online, it was probably true.’ 


We all know that isn’t the case, but that doesn’t stop us from thinking that. SEO articles help build credibility if the content you upload is authentic and backs its claims with data and scientific evidence. The more credible you appear, the better it is for generating leads. In a time when consumers do their research, it’s the best bet.

Size doesn’t matter

If you are running a small business, you don’t have to worry about the bigger fish in the pond. Search engine optimization empowers smaller businesses to operate and generate leads successfully, with the right strategy involving the click-through rate. Based on users visiting your website more frequently, a search engine will position your website above others, simply because the algorithm knows that those who visit your website are satisfied with their experience. The best thing? The size of your organization has little to do with successful lead generations.

Decode your Target Audience

Whether it is creating a website from scratch or updating the one you already have running, fine-tuning it for SEO requires an in-depth analysis of your target audience (what they are looking for, their interests, age, gender). These factors can provide insight into the kind of content, text, or visual, you should add to your website. Adapting to the needs of the target audience will always put you at significantly greater odds of being found.

Local SEO yields more

More business is right around the corner, literally. Remember the bad salon scenario? Local businesses, small or medium-sized, can benefit greatly from Local SEO. Contact listing with search engines (‘Google My Business’ for example), immediately increases traffic both, on your website and in your place of business.

Stay in the long run

It’s easy to get up to speed in the world of SEO, but in truth it is a marathon. It takes many weeks and months to get to a desirable listing and establish an online presence. Keeping in touch with the latest trends for SEO, social media, and online content also adds value and experience to your business.

SEO has something for everyone

Whether your business is B2C or B2B, SEO can help it. While in the case of B2C organizations, there is a larger pool of consumers, search engine optimization in B2B is more focused, involving a smaller pool of searches. This reduces competition, which means that you have a better chance of attracting traffic and converting leads. SEO is therefore, a platform that can benefit any business, even yours!

The world is digital (It’s 2020 after all)

Gone are the days when a jingle on the radio can turn your business around. As the world continues to move towards digital platforms, these platforms are where you want your business to get noticed. SEO is the most affordable and successful platform that guarantees a piece of that action to your business. Half of this success comes from being at the right place at the right time and is relevant to the needs of today. SEO offers all that and more.

The preparation for tomorrow begins today. As businesses gear up for the new age of advertising and marketing, the foundations have already been established in SEO marketing. Businesses need to understand and implement this foundation to stay relevant, thriving, and prosperous in the digital future. 


After all, we all need a hairstylist we can trust.

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The Benefits of Search Engine Optimization

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